Piano 1
This course for ages 6+ is designed for students who have been introduced to the piano and the basics of music.
Students are invited to use the knowledge and skills they gained as beginners and continue growing in music vocabulary, note reading, rhythm and expression.
Note reading skills grow and students understand more complex rhythms and symbols and begin to recognize musical patterns.
Skills Learned
Supplies Needed
Available to ages 6+
​Price | $175/month
Duration | 60 minutes
Posture and hand position
Expression of the mood/character of the piece
Maintain a steady pulse and play ritardando, a tempo and fermatas, legato/staccato and expression of musical sentences
Dynamic contrasts including crescendo and diminuendo and accents
ABA form
All major and minor 5-note scales
Octave scales, arpeggios and 2-note chording in C, G and D
Beginning sight-reading
Levels are determined with the teacher.​
Premier Piano 1A
Premier Piano 1B
3-Ring Binder ​
Water bottle